Raiding Dragon Barrow

Raiding Dragon Barrow

As the group leaves with the supply cart and Maree’s wagon (including Dain, Finellan, and Raff), they find that they are followed by a number of refugees, amongst them Toblen Stonehill and his family. They arrive at Driftwood Tavern, stopping for the night. Rae and Bree spend the night at the fine inn while the rest make camp with the refugees outside the tavern’s compound. Maree did not understand keeping watch and spends the night looking between her horse’s ears. They find that two horses has been stolen in the night. 

Rae distributes some pilfered bread rolls to the grateful refugees (sadly, Maree’s pot of gruel receives little business). They continue along the High Road but parted ways with the refugees halfway as they search for the Dragon Barrow. A centaur approaches peacefully and seem to wish to speak with Kavier. However, it is only able to speak Elvish so Rae had to translate. He introduced himself as Xanth and explained that he sought out Kavier, whom he referred to as the Elk Heir, for assistance against half-orcs (allied with the orcs) who are conducting dark rituals in a circle of stones. After learning that they were seeking Dragon Barrow, he leads them to the location but warns that strange witchlights hover over it at night.

Xanth stays behind with the horses and wagons while the group find themselves climbing up a hill with a row of stone sticking out of the earth. Redspear sends up his raven familiar into the sky and he realises that the mound is shaped like a dragon with the stone as spikes along its spine. After investigating, they find one stone with an opening beneath it. Redspear sends his raven familiar inside to scout it out (Maree taps its beak to provide light). It finds a spiral staircase leading to a round corridor with several tunnels leading somewhere. As the opening is too small for the party to fit through, they had to topple the rock.

Inside the tomb, they follow the tunnel south. The find a blob of light glowing beyond the tunnel — but it was a trap!

Raiding Dragon Barrow

Rae fell into a pit filled with rusted swords. They battled the wisp and defeated it. Rae finds a pile of bones which suddenly forms into a horse skeleton. It seems rather docile and follows Rae around. Next they follow the corridor to the eastern tunnel. They find two sarcophagus which was booby trapped with poison, triggered when the lid was opened. Disappointed to find that both were empty, they went to the west tunnel.

Raiding Dragon Barrow

Again they fought a wisp which they neatly defeated. Inside, they find a sepulcher with four real sarcophagus of a bard, wizard, cleric and fighter. The wizard’s tomb held a talking doll that warned against would-be grave robbers. The bard’s tomb held a pipe of remembrance that began smoking, playing out the dead adventurers’ last fight against a dragon. 

They approached the final tunnel and got rid of the last wisp. Inside is the lady knight and her squire’s sarcophagus. Maree recognises the royal seal of the former ruling family of Neverwinter, the Alagondars.

Raiding Dragon Barrow

Beyond was a larger chamber with a sword sticking through a dragon’s skull in the centre. Oohye pulled the sword out of the skull and they collected the dragon’s fangs. On his way out, Kavier peeked into the knight’s sarcophagus, disappointed that it contained nothing of value. They leave the tomb and Kavier collapses the entrance with erupting earth. 

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