Goblin Camp

Goblin Camp

Halfway through their journey on the Triboar Trail, they find two dead horses in the middle of the path. They realize that these were the same horses that Gundren and Sildar rode. Milo discovers a trail with signs that two bodies were dragged into the woods. All track after it (except Ricola and One, Two, & Three who stay behind with the wagon). Kavier, being a sharp-eyed druid, leads the group through the forest and manage to evade two traps. The tree line suddenly give way to a clearing with hilly outcroppings. Their arrival alerts two goblin guards who sounds the alarm.

Goblin Camp
Goblin Camp
Goblin Camp

They make short work of the goblins who attempt to flee (and fail). A goblin was left alive for questioning.

They discover Sildar hurt and lashed to a post. They also find other prisoners: two dwarves, Adrik and Baern, who were escorting Lionshield Coster supplies; and two young goblins, Imik and Kee-Kee, from the rival Bonesplitter clan. They freed Adrik and Baern (only after Sildar promised a reward) and Ixir took the younglings under his wing.

Goblin Camp

Oohye captured one of the goblins’ wolf, naming it Wolfy. A search of the campsite also uncovered the crates labelled “Lionshield Coster” and some treasure. The group learned from the captured goblin, Cowl, that they were instructed by their chief, King Grol, to capture Gundren. The bugbear, Klarg, had taken the dwarf and his map to Cragmaw Castle to deliver him to Grol. Cowl gave up the directions to Cragmaw Castle after Ixir promised to spare him his life. 

The rest of the journey was uneventful and they arrived safely in Phandalin. They settled in for the night at Stonehill Inn. 

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