New Arrivals

New Arrivals

Sildar shares more about what he was doing with Gundren Rockseeker. The Rockseeker brothers have found the entrance to the legendary Wave Echo Cave which holds great mineral wealth and magical treasure. Gundren had partnered Barthen to open up this mine and make Phandalin a more prosperous town. Sildar had met him in the Triboar as a representative of the Lord’s Alliance to support this venture. He urges the party to find Gundren and promises a reward. He was also persuaded to speak with the Townmaster about a bounty for each dead goblin. He also mentions his other missions to find Iarno Albrek (described him as a “short, dark-bearded wizard in his thirties”) and speak to the townsfolk to learn of any signs of the Cult of the Dragon. Kavier also took the chance to share what he had learned from Professor Samuel Oak about pet care and training. The dwarves Adrik and Baern also suggest to Oohye that Linene at Lionshield Coster would give them a good deal since they rescued her cargo. 

New Arrivals

The party made their way to Barthen’s Provision to delivery the goods. They then split up to explore Phandalin, some to Lionshield Coster and others towards The Sleeping Giant and Tresendar Manor. As they approach The Sleeping Giant, Ixir, Kavier and Redspear were suddenly provoked by ruffians calling themselves Redbrands. Things seem dire as Redspear then Ixir went down (then revived with Kavier’s healing). Then Milo, followed by Myrl and Oohye came running (but so do the ruffians’ friends). The tide turns and the Redbrands are defeated.

New Arrivals

They drag two off to the thickets for questioning. They learn that the Redbrands are led by a man named Glasstaff and they were hired by Black Spider to frighten them off and intimidate the locals. The thugs knew nothing about why they were hired. They learn that their hideout at Tresendar Manor is shared with an eye monster that guards a secret entrance (they are shown where it was). After learning what they could, most of the party returned to town but Myrl stayed behind to practice her grisly art…

Some returned to the inn for a shower, others visited Tantur Smithy, Milo visits the Shrine of Luck. A young elf is the acolyte in attendance and gets very excited after learning that Milo just came from the Triboar. She has a crazy plea to give a ‘nice’ banshee a silver comb but Milo tries to extricate himself from her request. Ixir visits the Townmaster’s Hall, finding Townmaster Harbin and Sildar in conversation. Sildar has managed to persuade Harbin to offer the bounty to exterminate the goblin threat. Harbin also informs Ixir of where they might find orcs threatening travelers along the Triboar Trail. As Ixir leaves, a young woman enters the Hall and calls Harbin grandfather.

The crew once again gathers at Stonehill Inn. Ixir spends some time asking Imik about the Bonesplitter tribe and how he might find & speak with their leader Yatta. To his surprise, Kee-Kee speaks up in a cultured voice and offers to write him a recommendation letter. He warns him that his best chance is to show the tribe his letter right away. If he manages to get into the lair, seek out Eldon, Yatta’s gnome adviser.

New Arrivals

After dinner, Oohye and Redspear spend some time with Wolfy; as does Myrl with Nabs the stirge. 

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